Monday, February 28, 2011

Walgreens trip...SCORE!!!

Here is what I got in my shopping trip today... (14) boxes of Colgate toothpaste, (9) bottles of Baby Magic lotion, (6) bottles of Baby Magic Wash, and (4) bottles of Motrin...GRAND TOTAL: $3.84...

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Shopping trip this week 2/27

Here is the run down of everything that I bought part is.......GRAND TOTAL $29.07 including tax!!!!!
(15) cans of Campbell's Chunky soup
(8) Kotex overnight boxes
(8) Kotex pantiliner boxes
(8) boxes of Finish dish detergent
(8) packages of Dentyne gum
(6) boxes of hefty storage bags
(5) jars of Ragu sauce
(5) Johnson & Johnson baby lotions/washes
(4) tubes of Desitin
(1) ibuprofen

I love coupons! Best part! I only spend about 15-20 minutes a week doing it! :)